March 2019 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting held on 26th March 2019 at St Laurence Church, Surfleet.
Present: Councillors: Cllr Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Alan Takeley, Trevor Wright, Brian Templeman and Philip Godderidge.
In attendance: No members of the public, and Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllrs Dobney, M Chapman, J Chapman, Dst Cllr Sneath and PCSO Abbott.
2. Public Forum:
No public members present.
3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting on the 15th January 2019:
These had been circulated and were agreed as a true record.
4. Matters arising:
The Chairman requested a letter of thanks be sent to ex Cllr Gerrans as agreed at the last meeting.
Action: GJH
5. Police matters:
In the absence of the Police a written report was submitted confirming 1 RTC, a burglary in Surfleet Road and a straw fire on the A16.
6. Sparc report:
The Clerk had nothing to report.
7. Highway matters:
There were no issues
8. Cemetery matters:
The Chairman expressed concern as there had been no progress regarding the installation of the fence. He and the Clerk will contact M Firth the contractor.
Action: GJH
9. Finance:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
Chq No | Reason | Total |
100948 | Clerk salary | £ 214.11 |
100949 | Clerk salary | £ 211.01 |
100950 | HMRC | £ 83.00 |
100951 | SHDC | £ 228.84 |
100952 | St Laurence Church | £ 70.00 |
The Clerk reported that the Bank reconciliation had been circulated and was agreed by members, he is looking to appoint a new internal auditor and is investigating an outstanding payment to M Firths for grass cutting.
10. Planning:
Applications had been circulated and actioned. PG reviewed the outstanding applications. The haulage yard near the Surfleet crematoriam was again in use, an application for an operators licence had been submittedand a new access away from the roundabout was being installed.
11. Neighbourhood Plan:
In the absence of Cllr J Chapman there was no report.
12. Surfleet Road layby:
Cllr Godderidge advised that the stone has now been painted and the refurbishment reported to the Milestone Society. Highways had tidied the area and trees will be planted next spring for which Cllr Godderidge will request funding from the parish council.
13. Tonic Health:
The Clerk had circulated the information and went through the figures and plan. Cllrs Chapman have recommended by letter to provide support of £7,506 to pay for furnishings. The report states that Tonic health are still persuing possible funders and members felt that these avenues should be explored so that a final shortfall if any could be established. The parish cou ncil was not allowed to provide capital input but would look at a contribution towards fittings if needed the Clerk will contact Michael Morris.
Action: GJH
14. Parish Council Elections:
The Clerk went through the process to be followed if existing Councillors wish to stand for a further term.
15. Members reports:
The mud on the road reported at the last meeting was reported to highways and quickly cleared.
16. AOB:
The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Mr Rose about the ongoing problem with damage to the river frontage at his property.
SHDC had sent details of a pest control service they provide to parish councils.
17. Date of the next meeting:
21st May 2019
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.15