The church is dedicated to St Laurence, who was martyred on a grid iron over 1800 years ago. For this reason the weather vane on the top of the spire takes the form of a gilded Gridiron.

The tower and spire really have a distinct lean, as the foundations started to sink in the soft fenland soil when the tower was built (1270-1350).  The tip of the spire is over six feet from the perpendicular.

Local legend maintains that the tower bowed to a passing knight!

Most of the church is built in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles between 1270- and 1480, although parts date back to the early Norman period (1066-1130).

The church is one of the few in England to possess a peal of 12 bells. This beautiful church is well worth a visit and an interesting guide is available for visitors.

Vicarage...19 Spalding Road, Pinchbeck. Tel: 01775 710904

Church wardens...Mr Douglas Drakard 01205 461423

...Miss Annette Rhodes 01775 680235


Sunday Services

  • 8am Holy communion
  • 9:15am Family Service (first Sunday of the month)
  • 9:15am Sung Eucharist (remaining Sundays)

See the noticeboard outside the church for special services (Christmas, Easter etc)

Church Magazine...Jean Bratley Email:

St Laurence Church on The Glen Group