July 2020 Minutes



Minutes of Meeting held on 14th July 2020 at The Fraiser Room, Surfleet.

Present: Councillors: Cllr Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Alan Tokley, Barry Storey, Philip Godderidge and Patrick Caulfield.

In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).

1.     Apologies for absence:

Cllrs Wright and Templeman.

2.     Public Forum:

No public members present.

3.     Approve minutes of the previous meeting on the 14th January 2020:

These had been circulated and were agreed as a true record

4.     Matters arising:

Cllr Waltham reported he had installed the litter bin. GW/AT proposed and seconded that the Clerk arrange for the riverbanks to be cut.

Action: GJH

5.     Police matters:

There was no new update.

6.     Glen Park:

Members were advised that there was nothing new to report and agreed that this item can be removed from future agendas.

7.     Highway matters:

Cllr Tokley advised that he is chasing up the pot hole repair in Reservoir Road.

8.     Cemetery matters:

Cllr Godderidge reported that more work had been completed to improve the cemetery appearance but some rabbits were in evidence and members agreed that PPM do a further control treatment. The war memorial also needs a tidy up.

Action: PG

9.     Finance report:

The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,

Chq No Reason VAT Total
101006 Clerk salary   £ 219.91
101007 Clerk salary   £ 226.58
101008 HMRC   £ 165.90
101009 LALC   £ 357.62
101010 M Firth Landscape £ 252.00 £ 1512.00
101011 D Lewis   £ 200.00
Interest a/c £ 15,989
Current a/c  £5.372
Cheques £ 2,679
Total £ 18.682

The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.

The new bank mandate was being organised through Barclays Bank and needs to be progressed.

The Clerk reported that the internal auditor had completed the 2019-2020 accounts and members proposed and agreed to approve the internal audit report. Members proposed and approved the Annual Governance Statement Section 1. Members then proposed and approved the Statement of Accounts section 2. Members then proposed and agreed that the Chairman sign the annual return as approved.

10.     Planning:

Applications had been circulated and actioned

11.     Members reports:

PG - reported the bus shelters need attention, members agreed for AT to repaint the wooden shelters (3) at £200 per shelter and PG the Perspex shelters (2) at £400 per unit.

PC - reported fly tipping in Park Lane one culprit had been photographed and reported.

BS - reported the grass verge by Riverside was being kept tidy.

GW - reported the two parish notice boards need replacing and members gave the Clerk a budget of £500 to source replacements. GJH

12.     Correspondence:


13.     Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 15th September 2020, the Clerk recommended and members agreed will be the annual parish meeting.

14.     The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.40.