September 2020 Minutes



Minutes of Meeting held on 15th September 2020 at The Fraiser Room, Surfleet. Following the Annual Parish meeting

Present: Councillors: Cllr Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Alan Tokley, Philip Godderidge, Trevor Wright and Patrick Caulfield.

In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).

1.     Apologies for absence:

Cllr Templeman.

2.     Public Forum:

No public members present.

3.     Approve minutes of the previous meeting on the 14th July 2020:

These had been circulated and were agreed as a true record

4.     Matters arising:

Cllr Tokley struggling to obtain refurbishment quote for the wooden bus shelters.

Action: AT

Cllr Godderidge has two quotes to replace the perspex in the other bus shelters but as this is costly Cllr Wright will enquire about cleaning the existing panels.

Action: TW

The Clerk reported that two new parish notice boards had been purchased and Cllr Waltham will install them.

5.     Police matters:

There was no new update.

6.     Highway matters:

Cllr Tokley advised that various street light bulbs not working had been reported and replaced.

7.     Cemetery matters:

Cllr Godderidge reported that a further control treatment had been done. The defibrillator needs to be moved from the village hall so the car park can be locked overnight. Cllr Tokley suggested that the Tonic Health building may be a good alternative which he will enquire.

8.     Finance report:

The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,

Chq No Reason VAT Total
101012 Clerk salary   £ 220.31
101013 Clerk salary   £ 216.51
101014 HMRC   £ 83.20
101015 M Firth Landscape £ 144.00 £ 864.00
101016 Parish Noticeboards £ 225.60 £ 1128.00
101017 St Laurence Church   £ 1000.00
Interest a/c £ 15,991
Current a/c £ 2.690
Cheques £ 3,511
Total £ 15,170

The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.

9.     Planning:

Applications have been circulated and actioned, Cllr Godderidge reviewed the current outstanding applications.

10.     Members reports:

PG - reported that the village hall committee had refurbished the ladies toilets but were looking for financial support to refurbish the mens toilet the Chairman advised that this will be discussed at the next meeting as an agenda item but that the parish were keen to support.

GW – reported that the bank mandate needs to be actioned and the Clerk will send off pending the resignation of Cllr Templeman.

11.     Any other business:

The Clerk reported that Lincs CC are supporting the availability of a new council website to comply with accessibility legislation.

12.     Correspondence:


13.     Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 24th November 2020, the Clerk recommended and members agreed will also be the budget setting parish meeting.

14.     The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40.