January 2020 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting held on 14 th January 2020 at The Fraiser Room, Surfleet.
Present. Councillors: Cllr Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Alan Tokley, Barry Storey, Trevor Wright and Brian Templeman.
In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllrs Godderidge and Caulfield.
2. Public Forum:
No public members present.
3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting on the 19th November 2019:
These had been circulated and were agreed as a true record
4. Matters arising:
The Clerk advised that the litter bin had arrived and Cllr Waltham will install.
5. Police matters:
There was no new update.
6. Glen Park:
Members were advised that the play area was still closed. The Clerk reported an email from D Whyles requesting information under the FOI act to which he will reply. Members agreed to invite the Chairman of Sparc to the March meeting for which the public forum will be extended to 30 minutes.
Action: GJH
7. Highway matters:
Cllr Tokley advised that he will report two street light out in Station Road. and he was chasing for this to be replaced. Cllr Storey reported concern at the recent RTCs at the Station Road /A16 junction. He proposed that the council requested a speed limit to 40 MPH seconded by Cllr Templeman after discussion the proposal was dismissed on a 2-3 vote.
8. Cemetery matters:
Members were advised that the Silver birch had been removed and the rabbit holes filled in. Although some pest control work had been done rabbits were still a problem and wire was now to be attached to the entrance gate.Cllr Godderidge will purchase a replacement tree.
9. Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
Chq No | Reason | VAT | Total |
100989 | Clerk salary | £ 214.81 | |
100990 | Clerk salary | £ 219.71 | |
100991 | HMRC | £ 82.80 | |
100992 | Glasdon UK Ltd | £26.07 | £ 156.40 |
100993 | Lady Fraiser Charity | £ 35.00 | |
100994 | Belnie Landscape | £ 560.00 |
Balances: | |
Interest a/c | £15,979 |
Current a/c | £11,380 |
Cheques | £ 1,068 |
Total | £25,291 |
The Clerk reported that the Bank reconciliation had been circulated and was agreed by members and a new bank mandate was being organised through Barclays Bank.
10. Planning:
Applications had been circulated and actioned. Members agreed that Cllr Wright and the Clerk review the process for accessing Section 106 funding via SHDC.
Action: GJH
11. Members reports:
TW - reported that the proposed VE celebrations had not been formally agreed with the British Legion so he will wait for further instructions. He has spoken to Mr Bush about the poppies and soldier cut outs, members were not aware of the funding that was originally available to purchase items.
12.. Correspondence:
The Clerk reported a letter from Frances Richardson about lighting on reported a letter from Frances Richardson about lighting on the A152 link road and he will report to Highways.the A152 link road and he will report to Highways.
Action: GJH
13. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 31st March 2020
14. The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.20