September 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the parish meeting held on 15th September 2021 at the Lady Fraiser room, Surfleet.
Councillors: Cllr Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Alan Tokley, James Lacey, Trevor Wright and Patrick Caulfield.
In attendance: Two members of the public and Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1 Apologies for absence:
Cllrs Godderidge and Storey.
2 Public Forum:
Two public attendees expressed concern at the planning application for the Mermaid restaurant for residential development. A number of local residents were objecting and the Chairman advised each one individually to put in an objection with their reasons.
3 Approve minutes of the previous meeting June 2021:
These had been circulated and were agreed as a true record
4 Matters arising:
No matters arising the Clerk will contact Cllr Storey for an update on his current status.
Action: GJH
5. Police matters:
Cllr Wright reported that the local PCSO was a regular presence in Park Lane which has had a positive impact.
6. Highway matters:
Cllr Waltham reported that a part repair had been done in Marsh Drove but not finished – the Clerk will contact Highways to report.
Action: GJH
7 Cemetery matters:
No report but no known problems.
8. Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
101049 Clerk salary £ 218.51
101050 Clerk salary £ 218.51
101051 Clerk salary £ 218.51
101052 HMRC £ 124.80
101053 Lynx pest control £ 50.00
101054 The Bin Shop £ 140.50 vat £23.42
101055 Cooper Rylatt £ 72.00 vat £12.00
101056 Malc Firth Ltd £ 1,296.00 vat £216.00
101057 C McKenzie £ 65.00
101058 St Laurence church PCC £ 1,000.00
101059 T Wright £ 96.00
101060 C Moore £ 580.00
101061 D Lewis £ 523.00
Interest a/c £ 12,992
Current a/c £ 3,929
Cheques £ 2,404
Total £ 14,517
9 Planning:
Applications have been circulated and actioned.
10. Litter bins:
Cllr Wright will chase SHDC regarding a new bin to be installed at the bus stop in Station Road. The Clerk will order a new metal bin with lid for the play park.
Action: TW/GJH
11. Grass cutting contract:
The Clerk reported that he had received three quotations from the invitation to tender. Each had quoted on slightly different terms but after discussion members agreed to accept the tender from D Lewis – the Clerk will clarify that we need 20 cuts per annum to be invoiced quarterly.
Action: GJH
12. Playpark:
Surfleet community volunteers completed repairs and the park is now open. A sum of £140 was raised from the celebrate Surfleet day plus funds from the bar. In the winter months there is a further net to repair and the two smaller tower roofs.
13 Riverside freehouse:
The Clerk confirmed that the concreted area which forms the turning circle is owned by LCC. To allow access for emergency vehicle members agreed to request the area be made no parking or made as a notified turning point.
Action: GJH
14. Members reports:
Cllr Wright reported that residents were concerned about overhanging trees in Hungate and agreed that the Clerk advise Sparc.
Action: GJH
15. Correspondence:
The Clerk confirmed that he had received an email from Elizabeth Jones in Stockhouse Lane about a traffic sign that had been damaged.
The Clerk also reported receipt of an email about Surfleet Reservoir flooding.
Action: GJH
16. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 16th November 2021 to include the budget setting.
17. The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.20