January 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the parish meeting held on 31st January 2023 at Lady Fraiser meeting room, Surfleet.
Councillors: Cllrs Glynn Waltham (Chairman), Philip Godderidge, James Lacey and Alan Tokley
In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1 Apologies for absence:
Cllrs Caulfield and Wright.
2 Public Forum:
No members of the public present.
3 Approve minutes of the previous meeting November 2022:
These had been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
4 Matters arising:
The Clerk reported that he had received an email about the missing 30mph along Surfleet Bank which he will report to LCC Highways.
5. Highway matters:
No new issues
6. Cemetery matters
Cllr Godderidge reported that the cemetery looks tidy, with no new rodent problems. The Clerk will review the cemetery regulations and associated fees.
7 Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
101112 Clerk salary £ 223.31
101113 Clerk salary £ 218.51
101114 HMRC £ 83.20
101115 LALC £ 376.45
101116 David Lewis £ 1,000.00
101111 RBL £ 20.00
The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.
8. Planning:
The Clerk confirmed that planning applications had been circulated and actioned with comments reported to SHDC.
9. Members reports:
Cllr Godderidge advised that razor wire had been installed around a business premises in Surfleet which he considered dangerous, members agreed for the Clerk to report to LCC.
10. Correspondence:
11. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 21st March 2023.
12. The Chairman closed the meeting 19.26