July 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the parish meeting held on 18th July 2023 at Lady Fraiser meeting room, Surfleet.
Councillors: Cllrs Patrick Caulfield, James Lacey, and Alan Tokley.
Two members of the public.
In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllrs Wright and Godderidge. Dist Cllr Sneath
2. Public Forum:
A member of the public expressed concern about the state of the glass houses behind 3 Stockhouse Lane which the Clerk will investigate it was also recommended that a referall be made to the Environment agency.
Concern was also raised about the accumulation of water outside 3 Stockhouse Lane
Action: GJH
3. Election of officers of the council:
Elizabeth Jones and Franklin Stokes both made themselves available for co option onto the Council and on the proposition of Cllr Tokley, seconded by Cllr Lacey, agreed by all. Declarations of office forms were completed by both.
4. Approve minutes of the previous meeting May 2023:
These had been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record. Cllr Lacey confirmed that the new bin had been installed in Park Lane.
5. Matters arising:
The Clerk advised that he had been copied into correspondence from Sparc that repairs to the play equipment in Glen Park were due to start.
Cllr Lacey advised that ex Cllr Waltham was working to reinstall the village beacon.
6. Highway matters:
1. Cllr Lacey reported problems with cars parking on the road outside the Crown, he will supply pictures and the Clerk will report to LCC Highways.
2. The Clerk will investigate and advise on what versions of speed indicator devices we have and what updates are available.
7. Cemetery matters
The Clerk has received details of other cemeterys fees and will provide recommendations to the next parish meeting.
8. Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
101131 Clerk salary £ 239.47
101132 HMRC £ 45.80
101133 Clerk re HMRC £ 299.50
The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.
Following the election the Clerk will review the bank mandate.
Action: GJH
9. Planning:
The Clerk confirmed that planning applications had been circulated and actioned with comments reported to SHDC.
10. Members reports:
There were no additional reports
11. Correspondence:
13. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 19th September 2023.
14. The Chairman closed the meeting 19.55