November 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the parish meeting held on 21st November 2023 at Lady Fraiser room, Surfleet.
Councillors: Cllrs Alan Tokley (Chairman), Elizabeth Jones, Phillip Godderidge, Trevor Wright and Franklin Stokes.
One member of the public.In attendance:
Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence:
Cllr Lacey and Caulfield and District Cllr Sneath.
2. Public Forum:
Mr John Stokes of Reservoir Road followed up his letter to advise of his concern about subsidence on the bank and the road – the Chaiman advised him to contact the Lincs Highways dept via Fix my Street.
3. Approve minutes of the previous meeting September 2023:
These had been circulated, on the proposition of Cllr Godderidge, seconded by Cllr Wright were agreed by all and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
4. Matters arising:
The Clerk confirmed that he had requested that the bin in Station Road be emptied by SHDC. The review of the bank mandate will be followed up with Barclays bank.
Action: GJH
5. Highway matters:
In the absence of Cllr Lacey their was no formal report.
The Clerk will review the positioning of the 30 mph signs by the Shipp Inn and report to Highways as necessary.
Action: GJH
Members requested that the Clerk contact the LRSP about the camera van visiting Surfleet in Station Road and Gosberton Road.
Action: GJH
6. Cemetery matters
The cemetery fees were discussed and on the proposition of Cllr Wright, seconded by Cllr Stokes, and agreed by all were increased as per the attached schedule.
Cllr Godderidge has obtained quotes to remove a dead tree in the cemetery David Lewis was the cheapest and members agreed for him to be instructed to proceed.
The Clerk will review the cemetery regulations.
Action: GJH
7. Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
101141 Clerk salary £ 235.07
101142 Clerk salary £ 242.57
101143 HMRC £ 91.60
101144 D Lewis £ 1,700.00
The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.
The Clerk will review the bank mandate.
The precept for 2024-2025 was circulated by the Clerk, reviewed by members and discussed. Cllr Godderidge proposed, seconded by Cllr Wright, and agreed by all that a sum of £2,000 be budgeted for Glen Park, on the provision of the income and expenditure figures that have previously been requested. The budget, as attached was proposed by Cllr Stokes, seconded by Cllr Godderidge and agreed by all.
8. Planning:
The Clerk confirmed that planning applications had been circulated and actioned with comments reported to SHDC.
Cllr Wright reported that he believed that an appeal had been submitted relating to the dog training facility at Gubboles Drove.
9. S.P.A.R.C/Glen Park:
The Clerk reported that as letter had been sent but as yet no proposals for a date for a meeting had been received.
10. Members reports:
TW – reported that he had sent details and pictures to SHDC relating to numerous instances of fly tipping down Gubboles Drove, Mr Jeremy Dodds was the SHDC investigating officer.
AT – thanked Cllr Wright for the laying of the wreath on Remembrance Sunday.
11. Correspondence:
Dist Cllr Sneath asked who the managing agent is for Church Drive.
12. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 16th January 2024.
13. The Chairman closed the meeting 20.15