May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the parish meeting held on 16th May 2023 at Lady Fraiser meeting room, Surfleet.
Councillors: Cllrs Trevor Wright, Patrick Caulfield, James Lacey, Philip Gdderidge and Alan Tokley and Dist Cllr Elizabeth Sneath.
Two members of the public.
In attendance: Granville Hawkes (Clerk).
1. Apologies for absence:
2. Public Forum:
A member of the public asked for clarification of how the Council look at planning applications.
Concern was raised about the poor state of the cemetery. In particular the grass cutting and the mess left afterwards. Members agreed for the Clerk to contact the contractor to ensure there are more regular cuts.
3. Election of Chairman and officers of the council:
James Lacey and Patrick Caulfield were co opted by members.
The following officers of the council were proposed and elected unanimously,
Chairman Alan Tokley
Vice Chair Trevor Wright
Cemetery Overseers Philip Godderidge
Planning Patrick Caulfield and Trevor Wright
Highways James Lacey and Philip Godderidge (speed signs)
United charities Alan Tokley
Declarations of office forms were completed.
4. Approve minutes of the previous meeting March 2023:
These had been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
5. Matters arising:
6. Highway matters:
1. The home made speed sign in Station Road is still causing an issue, the Clerk will write.
2. Cllr Lacey reported problems with cars parking on the road outside the Crown, he will supply pictures and the Clerk will report to LCC Highways.
7. Cemetery matters
The Clerk has received details of other cemeterys fees and will provide recommendations to the next parish meeting.
Cllr Godderidge reported that the rabbit and mole problem had been sorted out.
8. Finance report:
The Clerk reported the following cheques for issue,
101124 Clerk salary £ 222.91
101125 HMRC £ 41.20
101126 SHDC grass cut £ 257.47 vat £42.91
101127 Cooper Rylatt Ltd £ 90.00 vat £15.00
101128 T Wright £ 104.96
The Bank reconciliation was circulated and was agreed by members.
Following the election the Clerk will review the bank mandate.
The Clerk reported that the 2022-2023 accounts had been completed. Members proposed and approved the Annual Governance Statement (section 1). Members then proposed and approved the Statement of Accounts (section 2). Members then proposed and agreed that the Chairman sign the annual return as approved. The Clerk will submit the audit and publish the relevant public notice.
9. Planning:
The Clerk confirmed that planning applications had been circulated and actioned with comments reported to SHDC. Cllr Wright reported ongoing breaches of the Gubboles Drove dog training application which SHDC planning department are aware of.
10. Members reports:
Cllrs at the January meeting proposed that two new metal litter bins be installed by the jetty but off the Environment agency land, following a report from the Clerk one plastic bin with a metal insert will be purchased.
Action: Clerk
St Laurence Close – Councillors reported that the household waste bins were being split and causing rubbish to be blown around – the Clerk will report to SHDC Waste management.
Action: Clerk
11. Correspondence:
Members agreed for the Clerk to write to former Councillor and ex Chairman Glynn Waltham thanking him for his many years of service.
13. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 18th July 2023.
14. The Chairman closed the meeting 20.23